HTTP Status Check
This isn’t your typical article; it’s more of a reference for me to recall some common information. However, if you find it helpful and wish to explore further, you’re more than welcome. Now, without much ado, let’s dive into the main content.
HTTP Success Codes:
1XX — Information
2XX — Success
3XX — Redirection
4XX — Client Error
5XX — Server Error
Now, let’s view these from a server’s perspective.
Starting with 2XX: Success Codes
In simple terms, the server is saying, “Great job! Hi-Five.”

200 — “Hey, Success! Your request is successful, and I’m up and running.”
201 — “Hey, I’ve got your data. The new profile is live.”
202 — “….” For instance, if you’ve updated or deleted something, the server acknowledges the task is done with no additional comments.
Moving on to 4XX: Client Error Codes
These essentially mean, “Oops, you goofed up.”

400 — “Hey, I don’t understand. What are you saying?”
401 — “Hey, Do I know you? Unauthenticated.”
403 — “Hey, I know you, but you’re not allowed here. Unauthorized.”
404 — “I found you, but your request isn’t here. Not Found”
429 — “Whoa, slow down! It’s too much for me to handle. Try Load Balancers”
Moving on to 5XX: Server Error Codes
These essentially mean, “Oops, I goofed up.”
500 — “Hey, Server Error, help me debug.”
501 — “Hey, Don’t send such requests; I’m overloaded.”
503 — “Hey, the Server is unavailable. I’m not in the best mood today.” This might be due to server maintenance or traffic overload.
Redirecting with 3XX: Redirection Codes
This essentially means, “Follow me on your left.”

300 — Multiple Choices.
301 — Move permanently from one page to another.
302 — Found
303 — See Other
304 — Not Modified.
This is one major status code that works on the cache mechanism. You must have realized that if something is already downloaded in your folder, the browser automatically recognizes that and saves it from re-downloading.
305 — Use Proxy
307 — Temporarily Redirect.
308 — Permanent Redirect.
Concluding with 1XX: Informational Status Codes
This essentially means, “Did you know?”

100: “Hey, continue.” The server received the request headers and asked the client to send the request body if needed.
101: “Hey, Switching Protocol.” A case where a client asked the server to switch protocols, and the server agreed, like switching from HTTP to WebSocket.
Some handy tools for working with HTTP are Postman and Insomnia, which are useful.
Make sure to check when making API Calls:
- Request URL
- Request Headers
- Request Body
- HTTP Method
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